Hochschule Darmstadt
Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik

Stundenplan SS 25 Electrical Engineering (MA) Automation (MSE)


- Beachten Sie bitte die Regelungen zur Laborplatzvergabe über Moodle.
- Erstsemester der Bachelorstudiengänge werden vom Fachbereich in die Laborgruppen der ersten Semester automatisch eingetragen.
- Für Labore, Übungen, Seminare und Projekte müssen sich alle Studierende ab dem zweiten Fachsemester vor Vorlesungsbeginn zur Prüfung anmelden.
- Bei einem x bzw. y vor dem Raum findet die Veranstaltung gemäß x/y-Raster statt.
- Ausführliche Informationen finden Sie auf der Website des Fachbereichs

Kompaktveranstaltung nach besonderem Plan:
Dates by arrangement. Information by e-mail after exam registration   Markus Haid   Pro: Team Project (A)   PEE.1210
Dates by arrangement. Information by e-mail after exam registration   Karl Kleinmann   Pro: Team Project (A)   PEE.1210
Dates by arrangement. Information by e-mail after exam registration   Eiken Lübbers   Pro: Team Project (A)   PEE.1210
Dates by arrangement. Information by e-mail after exam registration   Sven Rogalski   Pro: Team Project (A)   PEE.1210
Dates by arrangement. Information by e-mail after exam registration   Stephan Simons   Pro: Team Project (A)   PEE.1210

 Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag
Heiko Koch
V: Industrial Robotics
C10/06.03  PEE.2610
Alexandra Weigl-Seitz
V: State-Space Control Design
C10/04.01  PEE.2710
Heiko Koch, Alexander König
P: Industrial Robotics - Lab
x1  D11/0.91, D11/0.92, D11/0.93,   PEE.2620
Heiko Koch
V: Industrial Robotics
y  C10/06.03  PEE.2610
Alexandra Weigl-Seitz
V: State-Space Control Design
x  C10/06.03  PEE.2710
Stephan Simons
V: Industry 4.0 / IIoT and the Digital Factory
C10/03.01  PEE.2540
Heiko Koch, Alexander König
P: Industrial Robotics - Lab
x1  D11/0.91, D11/0.92, D11/0.93,   PEE.2620
Heiko Koch, Alexander König
P: Industrial Robotics - Lab
x2  D11/0.91, D11/0.92, D11/0.93,   PEE.2620
Heiko Koch, Alexander König
P: Industrial Robotics - Lab
y1  D11/0.91, D11/0.92, D11/0.93,   PEE.2620
Heiko Koch, Alexander König
P: Industrial Robotics - Lab
y2  D11/0.91, D11/0.92, D11/0.93,   PEE.2620
Alexander König, Stephan Simons
L: Industry 4.0 / IIoT and the Digital Factory - Lab
x1  D11/0.74  PEE.2550
Christian Reimund, Alexandra Weigl-Seitz
P: State-Space Control Design - Lab
x2  D11/1.62  PEE.2720
Christian Reimund, Alexandra Weigl-Seitz
P: State-Space Control Design - Lab
y1  D11/1.62  PEE.2720
Christian Reimund, Alexandra Weigl-Seitz
P: State-Space Control Design - Lab
y2  D11/1.62  PEE.2720
Heiko Koch, Alexander König
P: Industrial Robotics - Lab
x2  D11/0.91, D11/0.92, D11/0.93,   PEE.2620
Heiko Koch, Alexander König
P: Industrial Robotics - Lab
y1  D11/0.91, D11/0.92, D11/0.93,   PEE.2620
Heiko Koch, Alexander König
P: Industrial Robotics - Lab
y2  D11/0.91, D11/0.92, D11/0.93,   PEE.2620
Alexander König, Stephan Simons
L: Industry 4.0 / IIoT and the Digital Factory - Lab
x1  D11/0.74  PEE.2550
Christian Reimund, Alexandra Weigl-Seitz
P: State-Space Control Design - Lab
x2  D11/1.62  PEE.2720
Christian Reimund, Alexandra Weigl-Seitz
P: State-Space Control Design - Lab
y1  D11/1.62  PEE.2720
Christian Reimund, Alexandra Weigl-Seitz
P: State-Space Control Design - Lab
y2  D11/1.62  PEE.2720
Hermann Meuth
V: Digital Signal Processing Chain (WP)
C10/03.01  PEE.48601
S: German Course (deutsch)
Alexander König, Stephan Simons
L: Industry 4.0 / IIoT and the Digital Factory - Lab
x1  D11/0.74  PEE.2550
Alexander König, Stephan Simons
L: Industry 4.0 / IIoT and the Digital Factory - Lab
x2  D11/0.74  PEE.2550
Alexander König, Stephan Simons
L: Industry 4.0 / IIoT and the Digital Factory - Lab
y1  D11/0.74  PEE.2550
Alexander König, Stephan Simons
L: Industry 4.0 / IIoT and the Digital Factory - Lab
y2  D11/0.74  PEE.2550
Markus Haid
V: Advanced Sensors for Internet of Things (WP)
D21/00.15  PEE.28601
S: German Course (deutsch)
Stephan Simons
V: Industry 4.0 / IIoT and the Digital Factory
x  C10/03.01  PEE.2540
S: German Course (deutsch)
Stefan Gammel
S: Ethics, Engineering and Ecology (WP)
C10/03.01  PEE.68301
Alexander König, Stephan Simons
L: Industry 4.0 / IIoT and the Digital Factory - Lab
x1  D11/0.74  PEE.2550
Alexander König, Stephan Simons
L: Industry 4.0 / IIoT and the Digital Factory - Lab
x2  D11/0.74  PEE.2550
Alexander König, Stephan Simons
L: Industry 4.0 / IIoT and the Digital Factory - Lab
y1  D11/0.74  PEE.2550
Alexander König, Stephan Simons
L: Industry 4.0 / IIoT and the Digital Factory - Lab
y2  D11/0.74  PEE.2550
S: German Course (deutsch)